FIBDA 2014

Today, my dad and I went to FIBDA (Festival Internacional de Banda Desenhada da Amadora). It's an annual comics exhibition that takes place in my hometown. This year, the festival is celebrating its 25th anniversary. Also, Batman turns 75 (!!!) this year and earned an all to himself exhibit.
I would not consider myself a comic books girl, but in fact I do love manga (though maybeI  don't read as much of this genre as I should). And there were these comic books in particular, Foxtrot, that I absolutely loved when I was about ten or so. And Garfield, Charlie Brown & Friends, Lucky Luke, Tintin and Ásterix. Maybe I am a comic books girl after all. The classic style, perhaps.

This illustration is by Catarina Sobral, a children's author. From her book, "Achimpa". I couldn't resist but take a photo. I mean, look at all those beautiful famous bookstores. Posters should be made of this, I would totally buy it. And yes, that's my dad on the reflection. And me.
Some artistic discrete selfies before anyone in the room notices.

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