on losing yourself.

More often that not, I bite off more than I can chew. That would be especially true if I were to in fact bite anything. But in my head, I always have a gazillion plans that, 90% of the times, will stay right there - not in the real dimension, that's for sure. I want to do more, be more. And that's great, I guess. Stagnation is not something I appreciate particularly. However, I'm the professional procrastinator. And oh so lazy. Not a good combo, if your brain is always buzzing with ideas and new exciting plans, like mine is. That's why this year I've been trying to do as much as I can, and not back off or leave any plans hanging. So far, I must say I'm quite happy with the way things turned out to be. I got to actively put money aside on a very recently created travel bank, decluttered (or on my way to) my room, and trained my writing and photography on a consistent basis. I even got myself to exercise regularly - which is nothing short of shocking, trust me. All and all, I have been more flexible with the goals I want to achieve, but also more determined. And there's a sort of pride in knowing that I'm actively doing what I can to be the person I want to be - the best of it is, I'm not sabotaging myself.
I don't think I felt any better than this in a long time.

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